"In the end, health care for Kansans took a back seat to Republican partisan loyalty and personal political interests. For a fleeting moment, the Kansas House functioned as it was meant to, only to come crashing back to a reality that justifies … Read More
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Brett Parker was born and raised in Johnson County. A graduate of Olathe East, he has worked in the Olathe School District as an English language teacher at Countryside Elementary School and Pioneer Trail Middle School...
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Why won’t the Kansas Legislature outlaw spousal sexual battery and sexual extortion?
“This was deemed not important enough,” to even be debated this year, said state Rep. Brett Parker, a Democrat from Overland Park who wrote the measure that would have outlawed non-consensual spousal sexual contact short of … Read More
Kansas lawmakers strive to improve transparency
"I tried to be optimistic that everyone is ready to do the right thing every single day. But I can't say I was terribly surprised that they (the bills) didn't move because the people who benefit from a lack of transparency are those in the … Read More